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Brjánslækur's Family in Westfjords offer a bed and breakfast in three rooms ath the old parsonage which was built in 1912.

All info on B&B is on  We open June 10th 2021.

Also you can contact us directly at:

+354-860-7333 Halldóra

+354-824-3108 Jóhann

Or by e-mail: 

Price ISK 15.000 per night including breakfast at 8:00 - 10:00 during weekdays and 8:30 - 10:00 over weekends

We are also a member of "Beint frá býli" were you can buy products of our own; lamb meat in varius ways.


In the same house we also have information about Hrafn Flóki, who was "famous" for giving Iceland its name, but the remains of Flókatóftir is right by Brjánslækur, near the harbor. There are remains of human habitation there since 830-890, but it is during this period that Flóki is believed to have been in this country.

Brjánslækur is on Barðaströnd in the south of the Westfjords. The ferry Baldur from Stykkishólmur sails there. There are many natural gems in the immediate area, such as Dynjandisfoss, Látrabjarg, Rauðisandur and then Barðaströndin itself with its natural bathing beach. Swimming pools are close by as well as Hellulaug, a natural pool in Vatnsfjörður. There are also many beautiful hiking trails nearby.

Brjánslækur is located in Vatnsfjörður, which is a nature reserve and natural pearl. Fishing licenses are sold in Vatnsdalsvatn and it is on the fishing map so everyone who wants to can go fishing.

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